In Antarctica playing with the penguins,
our Melanie and Aaron are so far away.
Although we are missing them so,
we are looking forward to their special day.

I'm so glad that you got the invitation,
and made it to the shower today!
I hope that you enjoy what I've put together
to celebrate Melanie before her special day.

If you would like to know a little bit more
about the bride- and the groom-to-be,
they have created a website and
there are plenty of photos to see!

Everybody has advice for a newlywed couple,
and I would love it if you would share some here.
Just write a comment on the "Advice" page,
and your words of wisdom will appear!

I wish I could send to each of you here
the foods and the snacks that I would love to bake.
Instead of filling out bellies,please click on "Recipes" 
and leave a treat for the couple to make!

In the invitation, I promised some games,
And oh, the games will be such fun!
Click on “In Your Purse" to play one of the games,
There is also a Mad Lib that needs to be done!

Want to leave a message for our friend so far away, 
Leave an Hola, Hello or Hi below
She will be able to see them and
knowing Melanie, she will will let the tears flow!!!

Thank you all so much for "attending" this shower,
And I know that Melanie will appreciate this, too!
We send our best wishes as the wedding approaches,
and it is so fun to be able to celebrate with all of you! 

Melanie Sue


  1. Hi Melanie and Arron.

    I can't wait for your big day. It will be here before you know it!

    Love and kisses,

  2. I am looking forward to your big day. I am flying to Vegas where I will meet up with my sister,Sue, and drive from Vegas to Denver. We will spend a few days with my nephew, Jay, at Breckenridge and then come to Denver. The whole gang will be in Denver to help celebrate your big day. I know we will have a good time.

    As far as advice?? It will be 50 years of marriage for Ned and I in February, so just be patient-there will be ups and downs, however, there will be good times and bad times, but, just work hard at keeping the marriage together. It takes 2 to tango!!! haha

    Can't wait to see you next month. Ned and I are leaving for St. Maartens on Saturday, so hope your shower is a big success!!!

    Love you
    Roberta and Ned

  3. Remember that you can never fully know one another -- expect new surprises every day. Talk honestly and listen intently. Love the joy that each of you is.

  4. Mellie Sue,
    I miss you tons and tons and hope you enjoy your "Virtual" shower. I know you will be filled with the love and spirit of the moment even though we are so far away! I can't wait to hug you in a couple weeks!

    love you
    Melanie Sue

  5. What a great idea! The Neidig clan wishes you guys all the best!

    Sending love from Kansas,
    Amy, Chad, Hailey and Liam

  6. Melanie and Aaron,

    I am so happy that you two have found such great happiness. I am thankful that I was able to meet you in such a wonderful place! Memories are definitely strong. Your friendship was always appreciated. I know that no matter what adventures life brings the two of you will live them to the fullest. Best wishes and lots of love!!!


  7. Mel I'm so happy for you and Aaron and I can't wait till I get to see you both! Michael, Nick and I send our love and we hope you sail and fly safe back to us. Love you both!

  8. thank you everyone. I feel so loved right now and appreciate each and every friendship. Thank you Melanie Sue for the huge effort in this! I love you all :)

  9. From Heather Gilbert:

    Congratulations, Mel! Hope you have a great time. I'm thinking of you
